The Ocean Account | A newsletter from the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership
The Ocean Account vol. 7 | August 2024

A note from GOAP's Co-Chairs

Dear GOAP Friends and Colleagues,

Thank you to everyone that participated or engaged in the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development. We were excited to meet so many members of the global GOAP Communities of Practice and take part in the key strategic discussions and knowledge sharing sessions that took place in Bali.

On the final day of the event, we shared the ambitious GOAP Co-Chair Vision Statement, which outlines our shared goals and vision for the GOAP over the next two years (view here). This includes to:

  • Strengthen existing GOAP Ocean Accounting Communities of Practice (CoP) in Africa and the Pacific Islands;
  • Build an Ocean Accounting CoP for Latin America and the Caribbean, providing opportunities for training and learning across the region;
  • Increase the frequency and geographic distribution of south-south cooperation, within and between GOAP Communities of Practice; and
  • Use ocean accounts to assist the delivery and implementation of relevant targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and sustainable development goals (SDGs).
We look forward to working with the GOAP Secretariat, Members and partners to achieve this vision during our two-year term as Co-Chairs.

In global ocean accounting news, Costa Rica recently announced they will be one of the first countries to complete an environmental economic account of their ocean. To support this goal, the GOAP Secretariat will work with Costa Rica and partners to convene a meeting in January with international actors, multilateral entities and philanthropists to design a path to bring ocean environmental economic accounts to the United Nations Ocean Conference in June 2025 in Nice, France.
We are also looking forward to the upcoming 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) in Colombia and will be working with the GOAP Secretariat to advance a high level side event to further our work on the linkages between ocean accounts and the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Learn more by reading the Policy Brief prepared by the GOAP Secretariat here.
In addition to the Global Dialogue, the GOAP Secretariat and partners have been busy supporting multiple workshops, including national workshops to support ocean accounting to inform ocean management and policy decisions in Maldives, Tonga, Fiji and Costa Rica.

In this edition of the Newsletter, you will find an overview of these workshops and upcoming events in sustainable ocean development, highlights from the Global Dialogue, updates from the global ocean accounting Community of Practice and new knowledge products from the global community.
Happy reading,
Over 600 participants from more than 50 countries gathered to share knowledge, collaborate and strengthen partnerships to advance the sustainable development of our oceans. Amongst attendees were Ministers and Ministerial representatives from Indonesia, Samoa, Fiji, Palau, Belize, Papua New Guinea, Australia and Maldives, highlighting the commitment these countries have to the sustainable management and development of their ocean economy. 

With a diverse array of events happening across the five days, ocean accounts were recognised as the basis for supporting the transition to a sustainable ocean economy. The progress made in Bali has set the momentum as we work together towards the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice and beyond.

This event was hosted by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries - Republic of Indonesia with the generous support of the UK Blue Planet Fund. The event was organised by the GOAP Secretariat, hosted by the UNSW Centre for Sustainable Development Reform, with operational support from Rekam Nusantara Foundation and Indonesia Nature Film Society. 

Latest news 

5 July | Indonesia Launches National Ocean Accounts Dashboard 

Last month, the Indonesian Government launched their national Ocean Accounts Dashboard: an open-access interactive platform (access here). They also launched several knowledge products to support national ocean accounting, including two National Standards for data collection, analysis, and reporting, and 'Making Ocean Capital Visible' a report on the value of Indonesia’s marine resources, compiled by experts in economic valuation of ecosystem services. 
"We consider ocean accounting as a powerful tool to allow sustainable practices to ensure ocean resources continue to thrive" - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia. 

7-8 June | Costa Rica Announces National Environmental Economic Accounts for their Oceans

On the final day of the High-Level Event on Ocean Action, Costa Rica announced they will be one of the first countries in the world to complete an environmental economic account of their ocean! The announcement was made by the Hon. Franz Tattenbach, Minister of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica, in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Rodrigo Chaves Robels, President of the Republic of Costa Rica.  

The event facilitated exchange of best practices and successful experiences in ocean health and governance, in anticipation of the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) to be held in Nice, France in June 2025, to be co-hosted by Costa Rica and France.  

It was also announced that Costa Rica and the GOAP will convene a meeting in January to bring together international actors, multilateral entities and philanthropists to design a path to bring ocean environmental economic accounts to UNOC next year. 
The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Community of Practice for Ocean Accounting was officially established in July at the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development! 
At the first meeting for the Community of Practice, attendees from 13 countries discussed a six-year strategy to leverage existing knowledge and build capacity to collectively advance ocean accounting by 2030. The "Strategy for the LAC Community of Practice for Ocean Accounting" was launched on 4 July at the Global Dialogue by GOAP Co-Chair, the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands.  

Also at the Global Dialogue, the GOAP Secretariat launched their latest report: "Status of Ocean Accounting in Latin America and the Caribbean." This report provides an overview of knowledge, challenges, status, governance structures and tools to support the implementation of ocean accounts in the region. 

The Growing GOAP Membership

Two new members were welcomed to the GOAP Membership over the last quarter: the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa and the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  

  • The Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro collaborates with key research and government stakeholders to support Blue Economy research and natural capital accounting in Brazil. The GOAP Secretariat looks forward to assisting the University to investigate the use of Ocean Accounts in the current development of Brazil’s Marine Spatial Plan. 

  • Based at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research (CMR) provides the foundational research and scientific knowledge required to make informed management decisions and optimise the maintenance of biodiversity, advance our understanding of the coastal and marine environment and promote sustainable use of Earth's resources. The GOAP looks forward to supporting the CMR's interest in aligning ocean accounting with broader sustainable ocean development initiatives in Africa. 

Interested in becoming a GOAP Member? Find out more here.

Project and event highlights 

April - June 2024

11 April 2024 | Connecting science and policy: The case accounting for the ocean | Pacific Ocean Room (Area 08), Ocean Decade Conference, Barcelona, Spain 
This satellite event highlighted that ocean accounts can compile the data needed to make key decisions in the transition towards a sustainable ocean economy. The event was led by the GOAP Secretariat and featured panelists from the World Resources Institute, IOC-Africa, iAlumbra and The World Bank. 

16 April | First Meeting of the European Community of Practice (CoP) for Ocean Accounting | Online 
54 ocean practitioners, decision-makers and leaders from 16 countries and 32 organisations across Europe joined to share updates and knowledge on ocean accounting in the region and discuss proposed functions of the Europe CoP, who will meet again in September 2024. Find out more here.

23-25 April 2024 | Space for Island Nations Conference (SINC) | Crossroads, Maldives 
Delegates from over 40 countries convened to discuss the important of Space or small island counties. Dr Jordan Gacutan from the GOAP Secretariat presented during the panel 'More Than Meets the Island - How Can Space Help Corals Protect Us?' to highlight the use of remote sensing data in natural capital accounting. 

23-24 May 2024 | Workshop: Ocean Accounts in the Pacific | Nuku’alofa, Tonga 
As the first ocean accounting workshop in Tonga, this event brought together government stakeholders to delve into the practical applications of ocean accounting in Tonga. The workshop was organised in partnership with national government, Kami Pasifiki and the GOAP Secretariat.

14-19 April 2024 | Training Students in Ocean Accounting in Maldives | Laamu Atoll, Maldives 
Representatives from the GOAP Secretariat, Maldives Resilient Reefs and students from Maldives National University performed critical ground-truthing for ocean accounting at Laamu Atoll, Maldives. Read more about the project here.

25-29 June 2024 | 19th Islands of the World Conference | Lombok, Indonesia 
GOAP Secretariat, Rekam Nusantara Foundation and Statistics Norway, hosted a side event focused on the pivotal role of Ocean Accounts in the sustainable development of archipelagic and small island states. Learn more here.

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Recent & Upcoming Events

31 July - 1 Aug | Policy Dialogue and Workshop: Developing Natural Capital Accounts in the Philippines | Manila, Philippines 

Organised by the Asian Development Bank, this event provided a platform to highlight existing Natural Capital initiatives and frameworks in the Philippines and discuss context-specific gaps and challenges to implementation. GOAP Secretariat Director, Dr Ben Milligan, presented the GOAP Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting as part of the Workshop on Watershed and Blue Carbon Accounting.

View all events

Knowledge Products

Report: Ocean Accounts for Sustainable Ocean Plans

Launched on 4 July, this comprehensive guide emphasises the importance of integrating ocean accounts into Sustainable Ocean Plans (SOPs) to achieve holistic ocean governance.

Read the report here.

Report: Advancing Ocean Accounting in Latin America and the Caribbean

On Thursday 4 July during the Knowledge Exchange for the Latin America and Caribbean Community of Practice, the GOAP Secretariat launched their latest report. The report provides an overview of knowledge, challenges, status, governance structures and tools to support the implementation of ocean accounts in the region. 

Read the report here in English or Spanish.

Policy Briefs

The GOAP Secretariat has prepared a series of policy briefs outlining how ocean accounts can be integrated into different frameworks and concepts to accelerate and support the transition to a sustainable ocean economy. Briefs are available relating ocean accounts to:
  • Monitoring Progress Towards the Global Biodiversity Framework Goals
  • Public and private finance
  • Coastal livelihoods and resilience
  • Marine Spatial Planning 
View the briefs here.
View all knowledge products

What does an Ocean Accounts Dashboard look like? Last month at the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development, the Indonesian Government launched Indonesia's Ocean Accounts Dashboard: an interactive platform showcasing data from ocean accounting projects across the country. Watch the video above to learn more.

Submit your news

If you have any updates you would like to share through this newsletter, please get in touch with the GOAP Secretariat and we will include your items in the next edition. Please send your submissions of 250 words, plus any relevant links by September 30 2024, to be included in the next edition.
Submit a newsletter item

About GOAP

The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) is a multistakeholder partnership established to enable countries and other stakeholders to go Beyond GDP to effectively measure and manage progress towards ocean sustainable development. GOAP aims to support at least 30 countries by 2030 to build complete sequences of national ocean accounts and co-create knowledge products that support the development of globally accepted and standardised ocean accounting practices. Co-Chaired by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Government of Indonesia  and Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, GOAP brings together governments, international organisations, and research institutions to build a global community of practice for ocean accounting.
Copyright © 2022 Global Ocean Accounts Partnership, All rights reserved.

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Global Ocean Accounts Partnership 
c/o Sustainable Development Reform Hub
Law Building
UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052 

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