The GOAP Latin America and Caribbean Community of Practice for Ocean Accounting is a regional collaboration platform bringing together governments, international organisations and research institutions who are interested in learning about and developing ocean accounts in the region.


  • Expand the knowledge and use of ocean accounts within the LAC region to impact policy and support sustainable development of the region’s maritime area / Expander el conocimiento y uso de cuentas océanica para impactar política y apoyar el desarrollo sostenible del océano en la región 
  • Contribute to policy discussions and design in building resilience /  
    Contribuir a la discusión y diseño de políticas para generar resiliencia. 
  • Support equitable economic development and poverty alleviation /  
    Apoyar el desarrollo económico equitativo y el alivio de la pobreza 
  • Elevate the voices of coastal communities in macro-policy decision making processes /  
    Elevar las voces de las comunidades costeras en los procesos de toma de decisiones de políticas macroeconómicas. 

Areas of Work 

  • Enhance Capacity Building and Collaboration in Latin America and the Caribbean / Fortalecer capacidades y colaboración en la región 
  • Integrate Ocean Accounting into Regional Policies and Planning / Integrar la contabilidad oceánica en política regional 
  • Mobilise Finance / Mobilizar financiamiento 
  • Training and Raising awareness / Entrenamiento y sensibilización 
  • Advance Implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework / Avanzar la implementación del Marco Global de Biodiversidad 
  • Publish Regional Technical Guidance / Publicar una guía técnica regional 
  • Establish Regional Community of Practice / Establecer una comunidad de práctica regional 
  • Promote South-South Cooperation / Promover cooperación sur-sur 


  • 18 March 2024 | Seminar Accounting for the Costa Rican Oceans Part 1: Introduction to Ocean Accounts | Online 
    The Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP) Secretariat hosted the first Spanish-speaking ocean accounting seminar online (recording below), which was attended by 30 participants representing nearly 20 organisations across academia, NGOs and government.  Learn more here
  • 16 April | First Meeting of the LAC Community of Practice (CoP) for Ocean Accounting | Bali, Indonesia  
    The LAC CoP was established at the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development in Bail, Indonesia. The first meeting took place at the event and was attended by participants from 13 countries across the region. Attendees discussed a six-year strategy to leverage existing knowledge and build capacity to collectively advance ocean accounting by 2030. The "Strategy for the LAC Community of Practice for Ocean Accounting" was launched on 4 July by GOAP Co-Chair, the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands
Attendees at the first Latin America and Caribbean Ocean Accounting CoP meeting at the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development in Bali, Indonesia July 2024.



The first LAC CoP meeting was attended by several organisations, three of which are officially Members of the GOAP. 

and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico.

Any organisation or individual can join the LAC Community of Practice without the need to be, or obligation to become, a GOAP Member. The LAC CoP welcomes any and all interested individuals and organisations.   

If you are interested in joining the Community of Practice, please email the GOAP Secretariat at