26-29 September, 2022 | Sieburg, Germany
The London Group on Environmental Accounting is a city group created in 1993 to allow practitioners to share their experience of developing and implementing environmental accounts. Members of this informal group of experts come primarily from national statistical agencies but also international organizations.
The 28th meeting of the London Group focused on the alignment between the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts-Central Framework (SEEA CF), the SEEA Ecoystem Accounting (SEEA EA) and the System of National Accounts (SNA)– especially in the light of the ongoing SNA revision process.
Session 2 of the 28th meeting focused on ocean accounts and discussed the paper 'Basic Spatial Units for Ocean Accounts: identifying challenges and potential solutions' by the GOAP Africa CoP, and the presentation 'The progress on ocean accounting in Norway'.
View all presentations and papers discussed at the event here.