Pilot ocean accounting projects in the Asia-Pacific supported by the Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP).

Ocean accounts in Phang-Nga Bay, Thailand
Read the reports The Phang-Nga Bay Ocean Accounts project highlights Thailand’s efforts to integrate environmental, economic, and spatial data to manage its rich coastal and marine ecosystems. These knowledge products present key insights and methodologies for applying the Ocean Accounts Framework to solid waste impacts, the ocean economy, and spatial
Natural Capital Accounting in Laamu Atoll, the Maldives
The Government of the Republic of Maldives is developing natural capital accounts through pilot testing of the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) framework in Laamu Atoll.
Ocean Accounts for Fiji: A focus on Mangroves
Fiji’s ocean accounts pilot: a focus on Mangroves
Viet Nam Ocean Account: Case Study in Quang Ninh Province
Viet Nam’s ocean accounts pilot: a case study in Quang Ninh Province.
Ocean Accounts of Indonesia
Indonesia’s ocean accounts pilot.

Partners, supporters and GOAP Members